Shipping policy

Destination Shipping Policy Delivery Timeframe Customs Duties Policy
United States Free shipping on all orders. 7 to 14 natural days, with most customers receiving orders within 10 natural days. Free of import duties for orders under $800. Import duties for orders over $800 are covered by Possibox.
Canada Free shipping on all orders. 7 to 14 natural days, with most customers receiving orders within 10 natural days. Customers are responsible for all import duties. For standard mail, delivery timeframe is 14 to 21 natural days, and import duties are covered by Possibox.
Europe (All Countries) Free shipping on all orders. 7 to 14 natural days. Import duties are covered by Possibox.
Australia Free shipping on all orders. 7 to 14 natural days. Import duties are covered by Possibox.
Japan Free shipping on all orders. 7 to 14 natural days. Import duties are covered by Possibox.
New Zealand Free shipping on all orders. 7 to 14 natural days. Import duties are covered by Possibox.